Set on Mount Othrys, the base of Kronos and his fellow Titans during the ten-year series of battles against the Olympian Gods known as the Titanomachy, Kronos Unleashed includes many of the same symbols that featured on the pay table of the original Kronos slot. It presents players with the opportunity to scoop one of five godlike fixed jackpots – one of which is worth 50,000x your stake. The Jackpot Bonus feature is just one of its highlights.
Kronos Unleashed boasts far superior visuals, an even more dramatic soundscape, and many more bonus features for you to experience that the original version. If you were impressed by the god of time’s first outing at online casinos, you’re going to be absolutely blown away by this follow-up. It’s time to enter the pantheon of ancient Greek mythology once again on Kronos Unleashed, an epic sequel to the original Kronos slot machine released by WMS.